Message from the President
Rotary Club of Addison Midday
Wade Goodhart

Rotary International is an organization that boasts over 34,000 clubs and more than 1.2 million members worldwide. Its stated mission is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary International is a secular organization open to all persons regardless of ethnicity, race or gender. The theme for 2024-2025 " The Magic of Rotary", asks Rotarians to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality. One of the core Rotary guiding principles is “Service above Self”. If you seem to have some of the same core beliefs, you may really enjoy this organization. Our club typically focuses on providing assistance to local charities as well as international causes.
If you would like more information, please click on the “Get Involved with AMRC” tab at the top of our website page. You may also send a message to our club through this website. We hope that you will be inspired to visit us, and we hope to meet you soon!
Wade Goodhart
Addison Midday Rotary Club